Place sub.v.
Place sub. v.
The Matchless Recordings office will be closed from 23rd March to 1st April 2025, orders may take longer to process.
AMM—Lublin was recorded at CODES — The festival of Traditional and Avant-garde Music — Lublin, Poland on 16th May 2012
Place sub. v.
Turn to a handy online dictionary and you find a definition of place as:
Noun – A particular portion of space, whether of definite or indefinite extent; space in general (time and place)
Verb (used with object) – To put in the proper position or order; to put or set in a particular place, position, situation, or relation.
I’ll be honest I didn’t expect to ever be surprised by AMM again. But then, maybe surprised isn’t the right word to use here.
Time is an essential aspect of any musical performance. The character of a groove shifts when you push against or play behind the beat; suspense is built or squandered through duration. What is swing, but the way we experience divisions in time? In free improvisation the knowledge that players are conceiving the music at the same time that they perform it charges the music with certain meanings.
A recording of a live concert from Lublin in Poland, the heart of old Europe, which precisely one hour, one minute and one second. The title uses the abbreviations of a dictionary entry. Since AMM became a duo a decade ago, Tilbury and Prévost have released several albums under the name, of which Place is the latest. After the high energy of other discs in this column, it's good to find a more pensive mood pervading the recording, and such delicacy and sensitivity of sound production.